Society for All Round Development

The National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2018 report shows that students in Delhi government schools are falling far short of the average learning level outcomes for their age group.
This is especially true of students belonging to migrant families and economically weaker sections, where children often witness and experience physical and emotional hardships. Parents themselves lack skills to help students at home.
Under the QEI DIB, Society for All Round Development (SARD) is running 30 model remedial educational centers called Child Resource Centres in select schools of North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) where SARD helps to identify and support the lowest academic performers in grade 3,4 and 5, and provides them academic support in literacy & numeracy.
The Child Resource Centres are managed by SARD’s Academic Facilitators and who are supported with specifically designed resources to help them teach their students and create a child-friendly and conducive learning environment. The resource content is tailored to student’s strengthens and their challenge areas in order to ensure effective teaching. Periodical monitoring and evaluation to track student and AF performance ensures intervention quality.
SARD seeks to improve learning level outcomes of students, addressing learning level gaps of primary school children, who are on the verge of dropout due to failed and deficient input in pedagogy. This multi-pronged strategy helps to enhance learning outcomes & motivation among students by making concepts easier to understand, giving them exposure to technological advancements and providing them opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities.

Society for All Round Development (SARD) is a pan-India non-profit organization established in 1996, currently operating in more than 6 states in India.
SARD works on strengthening mainstream systems and processes while working very closely with all key stakeholders. SARD in collaboration has already developed many modules, manuals, e-content and supplementary material for the education departments of various state governments of India. The material developed in joint collaboration with leading civil societies, corporates, state governments and the central government are widely used by intended beneficiaries.
SARD has successfully implemented numerous CSR Projects / Programmes in close coordination with many bilateral and multilateral organizations such as MSDF, Tata Trust, DIB consortium, European Commission through Aga Khan Foundation, Save the Children, UNICEF, UNESCO, USAID, UNDP, WHO, UNHCR, ILO, WorldReader, BCG, HP, Oracle, etc.